This information is quickly modded from the test 01 and test 02 ReadMe, please check for my changes... Please note I know there are some bugs. Report them anyway :-) This is likely to be the last test release of ARM SNES9X. This is the second RISC OS version to support sound. To enable sound, ensure DACSpt8 is loaded. Please note that this is incompatible with the MameVox2/DACSupport module used by MAME 0.33 beta 7.1, and MESS 0.01.1. The sound support is about the only change for now... Sound is a lot better than the previous release, though will improve some more. DACSpt16 is not yet ready, so 16-bit sound support is currently unimplemented. The documentation currently provided refers to the MS DOS version. Different resolutions should work, but they are not well tested. The CPU cores are currently the C versions. Comparisons with other architectures is a bit silly as a result, though it fares surprisingly well; especially with the huge differences we have in memory access speeds and amounts of L2 cache. The ARM port is now based on 1.05 of the SNES9X code. To run, copy the SNES9X directory out of the release package and place on the media of your choice. Place SNES images into the roms directory. run SNES9X with 'SNES9X zelda/sfc' or whatever. For SuperFX transparency support, use -transparency or -sixteen. Games like Rare's Diddy's Kong Quest look quite amazing with swirling mist, etc. You'll need a Risc PC for the correct palette, and 16-bit support to not look really strange... Snapshot loading/saving (F11/F12), battery backup and compression should now work, as should the /0x extensions. What goes 'Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Pieces of nine!'? A parrotty error. Frameskip is forced at the moment as this requires timer support. This release is not optimal; actually it's compiled with instruction tracing etc enabled for debug purposes, and so on. See notes on speed above... Gareth S. Long (